Company: ADRIA–NEPTUN spol. s r.o.

Address: Václavské nám. 784/26, 110 00 Prague 1

Incorporated in the BR at the MC in Prague section C file 2738

CIF: 40766519

VAT: CZ40766519

Bank details:

  • UniCredit Bank, CZK 8102981117/2700 – for domestic payments
  • IBAN CZK CZ2227000000008102981117 – for international payments
  • Swift: BACXCZPP

If a consumer dispute resulting from a Purchase Agreement or a Service Agreement occurs between our company and a client and it is not possible to resolve such by mutual agreement, the client may file a petition for an out-of-court settlement of such a dispute with the entity determined for dealing with out-of-court settlements of consumer disputes, which is

Czech Trade Inspection Authority

Central Inspectorate – Alternative Dispute Resolution Department

Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2



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